CopyAddrTest() Clipboard.Clear; Clipboard.SetText ('Testing Clipboard for NAV2018 Upgrade'); //Copy text to Clipboard IF Clipboard.ContainsText then //Does Clipboard have text - even reads clipboard generally! MESSAGE ('(%1)', Clipboard.GetText); //Display Clipboard
Clipboard DotNet System.Windows.Forms.Clipboard.'System.Windows.Forms, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089'
Clipboard.SetText('Text to Clipboard');
All the code was there but getting this error message ...
Not done any dotnet stuff to date in NAV - other than call Clipboard.SetText('Text to Clipboard'); - do I need to do anything else?
Set the RunOnClient property of the dotnet variable as Yes.
That works a treat - you're a star
See you can even read the Clipboard too
Keep up the good work!