Adding new AD user as NAV user automatically [WS?]

cell899cell899 Member Posts: 3

I have this issue where I need to add new NAV user when new user is added to AD.

Have anyone done something like this before or you have some clues how to approach this kind of issue?
Would that be even possible?


  • SanderDkSanderDk Member Posts: 503
    edited 2020-04-14
    Warning not done by Webservice.

    Depending on your version of AD server and your NAV/BC it is fairly easy.

    You can use PowerShell and create a windows task that create the users in NAV from your AD.
    If you a running newere version of NAV/BC you can with a few lines create you users

    New-NAVServerUser -WindowsAccount $user `
    -ChangePasswordAtNextLogOn `
    -FullName $Fullname `
    -LicenseType Full `
    -ServerInstance $ins

    New-NavServerUserPermissionSet -WindowsAccount $user `
    -ServerInstance $ins `
    -PermissionSetId $SetID

    For help, do not use PM, use forum instead, perhaps other people have the same question, or better answers.
  • cell899cell899 Member Posts: 3
    Unfortunatelly that is not solving the issue.

    I would need to create the new NAV user automatically every time when AD user is created. Is this possible?
  • AKAK Member Posts: 226
    I did something similar once. You need to query AD periodically for all users, check if the AD users are in the user table and insert them if not.
  • cell899cell899 Member Posts: 3
    @AK Do you have maybe some instruction/tutorial how to approach this task?
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