I need to export image data from BLOB field in T6215 Picture.Picture to particular file (in most cases something.jpg) and I don't know how to decode actual image data saved within XML document.
I expected ExportImage() method in Image automation server but it has only three methods: GetImage, ShowImage, ImportImage.
Does anyone know how to do it?
BLOB field is loaded with XML data which is I suppose result of Image automation server.
It is called in T6215.ImportPicture() code line Image.GetImage(XMLDom) and result is written in XMLDom object.
After that call we get something like this in XMLDom object:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<IMAGE xmlns:CPI="commerceportal.imageselector"><FILENAME xmlns="CPI">Photo.jpg</FILENAME><DATA xmlns="CPI">zxXzs++EGYN7FU+-+E2+M+-U++1zqk-1++M2-EM3-+M4-EM5-k
XML document is copied to BLOB with next two code lines:
I tried with
http://www.mibuso.com/forum/viewtopic.p ... =adostream but data is obviously not in bin.base64 encoding and adoStream returned me a message that it cannot parse 'zxXzs++EGYN7FU+-+E2+M+-U++1zqk-1++M2.......' data.