I added extra fields to the Sales Header table. The last field that I added gave me an error message that the active fields in a record may not take up more than 4000 bytes.
Does anyone know if this can be adjusted, or is it an absolute.
New Navision Developer
The limit was extended from 2000 to 4000 somewhere around version 2.5/2.6, so it is not absolutely impossible that it might change sometime in the future, but I've not heard any rumor in that direction.
If that should happen, however, going past 8000 bytes would be very hard, because SQL Server tables cannot have row sizes that exceed 8000 bytes.
If you realy need to store extra data then you can make a new table with the same key, move the largest custom fields to it and show them in the form like the shortcut dimensions. (save/update etc.)
This is quite a job but is better than trying to decrease standard Navision fields in size.