Hi all,
We are currently working with a client who uses Business Central SaaS with GB Localization. We were asked for some development from our customer which we did via AL extensions and published to Sandbox successfully. At this point, both our Sandbox and Production where Version 14.
In the mean time, a couple of days have passed until the customer did some UAT and approved our customisation and now we're ready to go live. The issue is that in the meantime, the sandbox environment has been automatically upgraded to Version15. When we went in the sandbox, our extension was no longer there so we re-published it successfully to the sandbox.
But now, since our production is still on version 14, can we upload the .app package of the sandbox extension (on version 15) to production? Or shall production be upgraded to version 15, first?
Any help is appreciated as this is the first time we found ourselves in such situation

Thanks in advance!
I think that you can publish the app in production now, reading your post seems like you don't made any modification to the app before publish it in the sandbox on version 15 and it is the same app published in the sandbox in version 14.
The apps published in sanboxes are deleted when the sandbox is updated to a new version, in production that doesn't happen.
One other small question please ... so my app.json looks like this at the moment for the extension published in sandbox. Will this be OK, please? as I see that the version is 15 for the Base App.
Thanks again!
Did you change anything in this file before re-published the app in the Sanbox v15 ?
No, just re-published and authenticated again...
In this case the platform must to be the same (15) in production and the SandBox. maybe there is a difference in the minor version (15.x).
So there is not a problem publishing your app in production.