hi all!
I don't have permission to make update, but I have developer's license.
I did step1,
When I import the new customized objects created in the compare and merge process ,process stoping
Error insert in table 13 field 5107 (new field)
Yes, my developer's license don't have permission to the fields <50000 .
What to Do?
This happens when you import a text file with a field which does not exists yet.
A workaround can be:
Add your customised fields to the cronus 4.00 table.
Export this table as fob.
First import this fob. (The field is created)
Then import the textfile. (Now the field already exists).
In these cases the default "Merge :Existing<-New" has to be selected to create the new field. If the table has been customized the code should be checked afterwards as this option sometimes destroys code lines.