Is It possible to Open two companies on one machine

FiveFive Member Posts: 32
Hello all you wonderful people

I would just like to know if it is possible to open two different companies from different databases at the same time?

I tried to do this but got the following error

"This Function cannot be excuted while the database is being used by other users."

I opened navision twice from the start menu.The first company opened but the second one threw the error.

Thanks in advance for all the help. :P
Compile and then Recompile ....


  • Marije_BrummelMarije_Brummel Member, Moderators Design Patterns Posts: 4,262

    This is only possible with a server installation.

    If you want to open 2 databases at the same time you need a 2nd navision client. Just copy the navision client folder to e.g. "client2".
  • FiveFive Member Posts: 32
    Thanks for the tip will try it :D
    Compile and then Recompile ....
  • IngoRothIngoRoth Member Posts: 6

    you must only Create a New Link on Your Desktop

    "C:\Programme\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client\fin.exe"

    ID=New .ZUP-File for Navision

    ID="C:\Programme\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client\370DEV"

    In the Client Directory you can see then 370DEV.ZUP

    I have up two six Differnent Links
    Ingo Roth
  • FiveFive Member Posts: 32
    Hello IngoRoth

    Can u put up step by step instructions for your method.

    Just not sure....a bit confused. What do u mean by "ID=New .ZUP-File for Navision " and the other ID that you refer to.


    Compile and then Recompile ....
  • KowaKowa Member Posts: 925
    You can read about the ID parameter in Chapter 2.2 in "Installation and System Management" ( w1w1ism.pdf ).
    Kai Kowalewski
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