
NAV 2018 has no Sales Lead Time per item?!

OlofOlof Member Posts: 27
To my knowledge, NAV 2018 can't create a Sales Lead Time per item. Only when you use the production module is it possible.

If this is true, are there any workarounds or add-ons which could resolve this?
When entering a new Sales Order, we now have to remember manually which (assembly) Item has which sales lead time. We strongly prefer to automate this.

Background info
  • We have NAV 2018 and use assembly mgt (boms)
  • Stocked items have Sales Lead Time of 1 day
  • Assembly items have a Sales Lead Time between 3 -10 days. The exact days depends on the item being assembled
  • We have one warehouse location
  • We prefer to stay with Assembly mgt (not Production) due to its nice integration with Sales Orders

    Thanks in advance for any tips!
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