adding new fields in Trans Sales entry

Hi, Experts,

I have to add two fields (customerNo,customerName). That has to lookup the values from the Customer table 5050.

Since we have no direct link to the customer table from Trans.Sales entry.

Could someone suggest how we can fetch both the values from the customer table

Thanks in Advance.


  • txerifftxeriff Member Posts: 514
    Trans. Sales Entry.... LS retail...

    Well, the standard approach would be to find where LS retail is inserting data in trans. sales entry, try this:

    Another approach could be (but will slow down a lot) using calculated fields (flowfields).
  • Pradeep_KrishnaPradeep_Krishna Member Posts: 8
    I have created a flow field in trans sales entry as sell to customer No from sales header using lookup. this helped me to create a link to customer table. After that i added customer no and customer Name filed as flow field look up from customer table's No and name fields. As the values of sell to customerNo from trans sales entry and Customer .No equal.
    I got the Answer that i have expected. Thanks.
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