
Unable to upgrade from BC140 C/AL to BC150 AL because of destructive changes error

I have successfully converted our C/AL solutions to AL , merged the code with the BC150 base application source files and build a new base application app.
I'm trying to upgrade our BC140 database to BC150 combining the following two online documents from Microsoft:


I have technical upgraded to BC140 CU5 (14.0.35916) and after that doing the steps below.

# Load BC140 Cmdlets
Get-NAVAppInfo -ServerInstance BC140 -SymbolsOnly | % { Unpublish-NAVApp -ServerInstance BC140 -Name $_.Name -Version $_.Version }
Stop-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance BC140

#Restart PowerShell and load BC150 Cmdlets
Invoke-NAVApplicationDatabaseConversion -DatabaseServer .\BCDEMO -DatabaseName BC150

Start-NAVServerInstance -ServerInstance BC150
Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance BC150 -Path '.\.alpackages\System.app' -PackageType SymbolsOnly
Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance BC150 -Path '.\.alpackages\Microsoft_System Application.app' -SkipVerification
Publish-NAVApp -ServerInstance BC150 -Path '.\Microsoft_Base Application_15.0.36145.0.app' -SkipVerification

Sync-NAVTenant -ServerInstance BC150 -Mode Sync

Everything goes well without any warnings or errors until the last step.
I get to following error:

Sync-NAVTenant : The schema synchronization may result in deleted data. The following destructive changes were detected:
Table: 3, Payment Terms: Deleted
Table: 4, Currency: Deleted
Table: 5, Finance Charge Terms: Deleted
Table: 6, Customer Price Group: Deleted
Table: 7, Standard Text: Deleted
Table: 8, Language: Deleted
Table: 9, Country/Region: Deleted
Table: 10, Shipment Method: Deleted
Table: 11, Country/Region Translation: Deleted
Table: 13, Salesperson/Purchaser: Deleted
...aUpgradeMgt.SetTableSyncSetup(DATABASE::"PFProd. BOM Template Line",[Upgrade Table Id],TableSynchSetup.Mode::[Mode]);
DataUpgradeMgt.SetTableSyncSetup(DATABASE::"PFSalesperson Range",[Upgrade Table Id],TableSynchSetup.Mode::[Mode]);
DataUpgradeMgt.SetTableSyncSetup(DATABASE::"PFFreight Charge",[Upgrade Table Id],TableSynchSetup.Mode::[Mode]);

App information:

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-NAVAppInfo bc150pf

Id : 63ca2fa4-4f03-4f2b-a480-172fef340d3f
Name : System Application
Version : 15.0.36145.0
Publisher : Microsoft
ExtensionType : ModernDev
Scope : Global

Id : 437dbf0e-84ff-417a-965d-ed2bb9650972
Name : Base Application
Version : 15.0.36145.0
Publisher : Microsoft
ExtensionType : ModernDev
Scope : Global

PS C:\WINDOWS\system32> Get-NAVAppInfo bc150pf -SymbolsOnly

Id : 8874ed3a-0643-4247-9ced-7a7002f7135d
Name : System
Version : 15.0.36117.0
Publisher : Microsoft
ExtensionType : ModernDev
Scope : Global
Brief :
Description :
Compatibility Id :
Developer Tenant ID :
Privacy Statement :
Help :
Url :
Logo :
Screen Shots :
Prerequisites :
Dependencies :
Package Id : 0362f08d-46f5-4c8d-ba19-75818cbac18e
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