How Do I change the permission Set programmatically?

I want to develop a system in which permission sets of user will be changing automatically based on some conditions.

i want to insert/delete permission sets of users programmatically, so that it happen at run time.

not all user will be super user.

how can i do that ?


  • RockWithNAVRockWithNAV Member Posts: 1,139
    Why even you need this?
    Can't it could be handled in some different way?
  • ShashicbsaShashicbsa Member Posts: 4
    on some action i want permission sets to be changed.
    Everytime the action happens need to change the permission set.

    Do you have any suggestion.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,150
    It's a strange undertaking.
    But where did you get stuck? What's the reason for asking here? What do you need to know?
  • edoderooedoderoo Member Posts: 89
    Do you want to change the permissions in a set, or do you want to change the permission set that a user has?
    IF User.Loves('Edo') THEN ok() ELSE currReport.genSkip;
  • ShashicbsaShashicbsa Member Posts: 4
    I want to change permission set that a user has.
  • edoderooedoderoo Member Posts: 89
    This is stored in table 2000000053 Access Control.
    I'm not sure if your code can make modifications to this table, and if you can, the user needs to re-login before any changes will take effect.
    IF User.Loves('Edo') THEN ok() ELSE currReport.genSkip;
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