Does anyone know a way to control what is displayed on the Navision title bar or status bar? We used to display the server, database, and user id you were logged in with on the main form in 3.7, but that form is no longer used in 4.0. It’s was a handy way to check to make sure you are in the test database you thought you were in before making code changes.
Not that I've heard of. One of the best usage practices I've seen for using test-databases is to rename the companies to include "TESTING" or the like in the description. Beyond that, I've always found a good rule of thumb is to look at the Database Information screen before proceeding with code and data changes.
Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer
The user will get a message when he logs in.
You can also delete all menusuites and put form 330 etc, back in
Sorry, its the best you can do at this time.
1. Download the freeware tool cmdow (
2. Copy this little exe-file in eg. c:\windows\system32 folder on the Client PC's
3. Modify the function CompanyOpen in Codeunit 1:
Now whenever you change the company, the Title Bar will be modified. You can add code to retrieve eg. the databasename/servername and display this as well.
This code works on Navision 3.70/4.0. For 3.60, you have to change "Microsoft Business Solutions - Navision" to "Microsoft Navision Attain".
Thx for the run example.
How did you get the name of the server? I tried with a variable with dataType Record and Subtype Server. Then I got access to a function called Server Name. The problem is I then get a list of all my servers, how do I find the one I’m using right now?
I can see the information about the server in the Database Information but how do I get my hand in this info?
Contexturl solved my problem \:D/
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
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But before you ask ... I can't deliver you the objects (policy), just the ideas
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I worked this out in my blog.
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
Navision Technical Consultant
Do you mean the new link doesn't work?
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
I was managed to get this working and it looked great. But as soon as you open a form the title bar changes back to the default title. Is there any way to have the custom title stay in place all the time?