{ DataClassification = ToBeClassified; LookupPageId = "Customer Sector"; fields { field(50000; "Code"; Code[20]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; } field(50001; "Description"; Text[50]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; } } keys { key(PK; Code) { Clustered = true; } } var myInt: Integer; trigger OnInsert() begin end; trigger OnModify() begin end; trigger OnDelete() begin end; trigger OnRename() begin end; }
table 50133 "myCategorytable" { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; LookupPageID = "Customer Category"; fields { field(50000; "Code"; Code[20]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; } field(50001; "Description"; Text[50]) { DataClassification = ToBeClassified; } } keys { key(PK; Code) { Clustered = true; } } var myInt: Integer; trigger OnInsert() begin end; trigger OnModify() begin end; trigger OnDelete() begin end; trigger OnRename() begin end; }
page 50136 "Customer Category" { PageType = List; Editable = true; ApplicationArea = All; UsageCategory = Administration; SourceTable = myCategorytable; layout { area(Content) { repeater(Category) { field(Code; Code) { ApplicationArea = All; NotBlank = true; ShowMandatory = true; } field(Description; Description) { ApplicationArea = All; } } } } actions { area(Processing) { action(ActionName) { ApplicationArea = All; trigger OnAction() begin end; } } } var myInt: Integer; }
page 50135 "Customer Sector" { PageType = List; Editable = true; ApplicationArea = All; UsageCategory = Administration; SourceTable = mySectortable; layout { area(Content) { repeater(Sector) { field(Code; Code) { ApplicationArea = All; NotBlank = true; ShowMandatory = true; } field(Description; Description) { ApplicationArea = All; } } } } actions { area(Processing) { action(ActionName) { ApplicationArea = All; trigger OnAction() begin end; } } } var myInt: Integer; }
tableextension 50121 "Customer Table Ext" extends Customer { fields { // Add changes to table fields here field(50000; "Customer Category"; Code[20]) { TableRelation = myCategorytable; } field(50001; "Customer Sector"; Code[20]) { TableRelation = mySectortable; } field(50002; "Location"; Code[10]) { TableRelation = Location; } } var myInt: Integer; }
pageextension 50122 "Customer Card Ext" extends "Customer Card" { layout { // Add changes to page layout here addafter("Disable Search by Name") { field("Category"; recCategory.Code) { ApplicationArea = All; TableRelation = Category_DSSS; trigger OnValidate() var recCustomer: Record Customer; begin recCustomer.SetFilter("No.", Rec."No."); IF recCustomer.FindFirst() then begin recCustomer."Customer Category" := rec."Customer Category"; recCustomer.Insert(true); end; end; } field("Sector"; recSector.Code) { ApplicationArea = All; TableRelation = Sector_DSSS; trigger OnValidate() var recCustomer: Record Customer; begin recCustomer.SetFilter("No.", Rec."No."); IF recCustomer.FindFirst() then begin recCustomer."Customer Sector" := rec."Customer Sector"; recCustomer.Insert(true); end; end; } } addafter("Language Code") { field(Location; Location) { ApplicationArea = All; TableRelation = Location; trigger OnValidate() var recCustomer: Record Customer; begin IF recCustomer.FindFirst() then begin recCustomer.Location := rec.Location; recCustomer.Insert(true); end; // CurrPage.SaveRecord(); end; } } } actions { // Add changes to page actions here } var recCategory: Record Category_DSSS; recSector: Record Sector_DSSS; }
recSector: Record Sector_DSSS;
It is recCategory: Record myCategorytable;
recSector: Record mySectortable;
I copied the wrong part of the code here.