PurchaseQCLine.INIT; PurchaseQCLine."Item No." := PurchRecptLine."No."; PurchaseQCLine.Description := PurchRecptLine.Description; PurchaseQCLine.Quantity := PurchRecptLine.Quantity; PurchaseQCLine."QC Accepted Qty":=PurchRecptLine.Quantity; PurchaseQCLine."Location Code" := PurchRecptLine."Location Code"; PurchaseQCLine.INSERT;Now Requirement is that I have to convert C/al->Al then create extension then deploy in business central i don't have any idea about business central as i have never worked before on business central before.please give some guidance its urgent.
Learn a bit about the basics through the usual channels:
You'll notice soon enough C/AL and AL follow the same basic rules.
Your example needs no conversion at all.
The challenge will be programming and deploying AL with visual studio.
Information in the link. Good luck with it! I'll be happy to answer more specific questions.
This takes you up one level, so now you can see there is a lot more to take in! There is a whole tree of information at your disposal.
Hint: txt2al