How to link items with a relationship to each other

WoodkingWoodking Member Posts: 1
I want to add items with a relationship to each other.
For example:
Our company sells vacuum cleaners and the dust bag for vacuum cleaners.
The vacuum cleaners and the dust bags are created in NAV Dynamics.

I want to see in NAV which dust bags can be used in a specific vacuum cleaner (relationship).
But also I want to see with models of vacuum cleaners can be used with a specific model of the dust bag.

How can I create this relationship?


  • lubostlubost Member Posts: 631
    Assembly BOM cam be your goal.
  • archer89archer89 Member Posts: 337
    as suggested you could "misuse" item's assembly bom to save the dust bag "components".
    additional use item's assembly/usage to check where a component, also an item, is used.
    best regards
    Franz Kalchmair, MVP
    Alias: Jonathan Archer

    please like / agree / verify my answer, if it was helpful for you. thx.
  • golfergolfer Member Posts: 88
    I would use Item attributes to achieve this. That way the information is searchable in the Item list.
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