We have a custom .Net add-in control that we developed for a customer some years ago.
The customer recently asked us for a minor change to the control, and this took just a couple of minutes to do.
However, when we compiled the new DLL in Visual Studio and then copied it to the add-ins folder on our test server, the changes weren't recognised.
We've now been through the entire server and removed the DLL from everywhere we could find it. The only instance of the DLL is the one we have recently compiled, but it seems the old DLL is still being served.
We have message box error messages that come up for instance when some config isn't correct. We've changed these error messages and broken the config but still the old messages come up.
Apart from the DLL being updated nothing else has changed. We haven't changed the version or the public key token.
We've even rebooted the middle tier and the server the RTC is executed from, as well as having recompiled the page in Nav that the control is on.
My questions are these
Has anyone ever seen this before?
How do I force my DLL to take effect?
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
Further I had a similar situation. The reason there was, that I didn't changed the version. After updating this it worked for me.
Apologies for updating this so late...
A little embarrassingly, the issue was all my fault.
We had moved on from the old days of Nav 2009 R2 and have been developing on newer systems, and when I came back to this project the version of the Microsoft.Dynamics.Framework.UI.Extensibility was incorrect. This was masked by the fact that simply renaming the old DLL is insufficient.
Nav 2009 R2 RTC scans all DLLs in the add-ins folder for the assembly name and version,and if it happens to find the old, renamed file first, that's the one it'll use. Once we removed all the old irrelevant back files, the DLL error became apparent. Then once we used the correct extensibility DLL, every thing started to work as we expected.