Filtering a Fast Lookup

ANavUserANavUser Member Posts: 1
Hey there,

I'm relatively new to NAV (since beginning of August 1st). My question is, whether it is possible to filter in a Fast Lookup. The idea is as follows:
- The user enters a resource number in the corresponding field. (Table relation to table "Resource")
- In a second field, the entries shown in the Fast Lookup shall be filtered by the previously entered resource number.

1. Is this possible in NAV?
2. How can I accomplish this behavior?

I'd like to try it for myself, so hints are enough... for the beginning :D


  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,148
    Do you mean you have a lookup on a field, that needs to be filtered according to a previously entered resource number?

    In his case you need to use the table relation property of that second field to set the filter.
    This property is available in the table field as well as on the page control. Use the table property if the relation needs to be enforced. If you want to implement this as just an editing aid, use the page control.
    Also you might want to not filter the lookup if no resource number has been entered. In this case use conditions in the definition of the table relation.
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