
Calculate Interest Flag in Table 21 (Cust. Ledger Entry)

dmdm Member Posts: 10

It seems that the 'Calculate Interest' Flag in Table 21 (Cust. Ledger Entry) is not set back to 'No' after a closed position was unapplied.

It also seems, for what ever reason, that the 'Calculate Interest' is only set for closed positions.

This leads to the following situation:

My customer is generating a Finance Charge Memo. Document Date July 31st. It should take into account an invoicel dated June 30th with 'Due date' June 30th.
Previous to the generation of the Finance Charge Memo the customer already booked a payment on above invoice, booking date august 4th.

The Finance Charge Memo will not show above invoice.

I unapply the payment from the invoice. This sets the invoice to 'open' again. However the 'Calculate Interest' flag still is set to 'yes'. Running the 'Finance Charge memo' generation, the invoice still does not show.

Only after manually removing the 'Calculate Interest' flag in table 21 on this invoice I get the system to generate a correct Finance Charge memo.


- Is it a bug that the flag would not switch back to 'no' after unapplying, or is there a reason it wouldn't do so?

- Is it correct that Finance Charge Memos can only generate lines on invoices that do NOT have applying positions datead AFTER the document date of the Finance charge Memo? If so, any explanation for this ?

Thanks for any help.


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    ayhan06ayhan06 Member Posts: 210
    Hi to all,

    this is very old topic, but today i have come up with this problem.

    customer has one invoice and one payment.
    1. If i run suggest fin. charge memo batch for a customer before applying payment to invoice, "calculate Interest" is not checked and nav calculates the interest correctly..
    2.after applying payment to invoice, "calculate Interest" is checked and nav calculates interest correctly.
    3. after UNAPPLYING entries, "calculate Interest" remains CHECKED.. but nav calculates nothing. the difference between 3. and 1. situation is only "calculate Interest" field..if I clean this field, nav calculates correctly again.

    did anyone face this before?

    my nav is 5.0 sp1. no localization in this area.

    best regards.
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