Hello Experts,
Is it possible to have development environments for both NAV2018 (work) and Business Central (want to play with) on the same laptop?
The problem is different versions of Visual Studio Code AL Extension.
Can I have two "installations" of Visual Studio Code with different sets of extensions?
Best Wishes!
I can have two installations of NAV and use different port numbers to access them, right.
But how do I use different port numbers in order to have Visual Studio Code use two different versions of AL Language - this is not clear.
1) NAV2018 in container and normal Visual Studio Code connected to it (AL Language v.0.13.111304 ).
2) Cloud Business Central and _portable_ Visual Studio Code with (AL Language v. 3.0.168874)
If you google launch.json you will find the documentation of AL:
This was the problem that I tried to solve.
But anyway, thanks for help and now it all works.