Job Queue issue : The email address "" is not valid

liizzliizz Member Posts: 125
Hello all,

I am currently using NAV 2016. I have a job queue configured on a NAS service to send email notifications for workflows.

But the problem is that the job queue is running on a Windows user ID and it has been defined as : domainname\srv.instance and thus email notifications are not sent. The error message (The email address "" is not valid.) is recorded on the "Notification Entry" table.

Is it possible to change the Windows User ID to the NAV user ID on the job queue ? If yes, how to do it?

Is there any standard rules that cannot accept special character as the Windows User ID? If yes, please share MS articles.

Thanking you for your replies.


  • liizzliizz Member Posts: 125

    Any suggestions on my posts? I did not find anything for the Windows User ID which cannot contain special character to initiate the job..

    Thanks to reply.
  • KTA8KTA8 Member Posts: 399
    You can change the nav user of the queue.
  • liizzliizz Member Posts: 125
    Thanks to reply.

    Can you please tell me where I can change it so that the nav user id is taken into account?

    Thanking you.
  • SanderDkSanderDk Member Posts: 502
    Run table 2000000120- User and change the name?
    For help, do not use PM, use forum instead, perhaps other people have the same question, or better answers.
  • liizzliizz Member Posts: 125

    Thank you for your reply.

    The nav user name is correct and it has no '.'. My question is that I want to change the value of "Running as User ID" on the Job Queue screen. The nav user name is srvinstance and its windows user name is srv.instance which has been defined on the "Users"

    I want to know how to change from the windows user name (srv.instance) to nav user name (srvinstance) on the Job Queue ?
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,116
    [Topic moved from 'NAV/Navision Classic Client' forum to 'NAV Three Tier' forum]

    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • SanderDkSanderDk Member Posts: 502
    hi @liizz,
    Then you need to do some development :smile:
    But I will not recommended to do this change, because then you are running the job queue as a differing user with a different permission set, you thereby allow user who does not have permission to do specific stuff that they do not have permission to.
    For help, do not use PM, use forum instead, perhaps other people have the same question, or better answers.
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