Is there any way to sort Integer Dimensions?

vinceliu666vinceliu666 Member Posts: 51
I use an Integer Dimensions and I want to sort dimensions value from small to big. Is there any way to do ? Just like ArrayList.Sort() in C#.

Best Answers


  • vinceliu666vinceliu666 Member Posts: 51
    Hi Vaprog:
    Thanks for your relpy. Finally, I found an article to solve it by using bubble sort.
  • vaprogvaprog Member Posts: 1,144
    Why don't you use a temporary instance of Integer table? This avoids having to decide on an arbitrarily sized array, you do not have to implement a sorting algorithm, and it is probably faster anyway.
  • vinceliu666vinceliu666 Member Posts: 51
    Hi vaprog:
    I don't really understand how to use temporary instance of integer table?Could you ,please ,provide sample code?
  • vinceliu666vinceliu666 Member Posts: 51
    Hi vaprog :
    Thanks for providing the sample code.
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