Err: "Table Contains field with SQL Value outside Navis

McCoyMcCoy Member Posts: 39
Our client is getting an error on their SQL dbf with the following message:
The Customer table contains a field with a SQL Server value outside the allowable Navision range:" It is followed by a field name and field type.

They get the same error message repeatedly but the field and type are random. They get this message when selecting Card from the drop down of the customer list - if they double click on the desired customer - it works fine - we have connected from Citrix and can do this process consistantly with no error - however it is now occurring on two client systems and did so while we were dialed in but it worked on our dial-in and erred on their local. To add more - it works in one company but not on another.

Anybody got any ideas? I am stumped ](*,)


  • ara3nara3n Member Posts: 9,257
    I would do a navision backup. Create a new db and restore the navision backup.
    Ahmed Rashed Amini
    Independent Consultant/Developer

  • DenSterDenSter Member Posts: 8,307
    It sounds to me like someone inserted or changed some data directly into the SQL Server tables. Check if there are any lower case characters in any Code type fields. The datatype 'Code' is a Navision proprietary datatype, that in the SQL Server option is translated as a varchar. The trick about the Code datatype is that it only uses uppercase letters. Lower case letters are perfectly legit in the physical SQL Server table when looking at it from the Enterprise Manager or from the Query Analyzer, but when you open the table in Navision (either directly from the object designer or from any form) lower case letters will cause errors like you are describing.

    Oh and please don't cross post. Most members in this forum read all forums, so it's really not necessary.
  • amangamang Member Posts: 14
    When i try to make a backup of one of our databases i get an error "The Table xxx contains values in a codefield, which can not used by Microsoft Business Solutions". Then follows the field and the value. The same error occurs when i run the table from the Object Designer.

    I opened the table from the Enterprise Manager and there are lower case letters in this codefield.
    How could this happen? Is it only possible if somebody make changes direct in SQL tables?
  • Torben_R.Torben_R. Member Posts: 99
    It's possible to insert lowercase values in code-fields if you insert the value from outside Navision using odbc. #-o
  • amangamang Member Posts: 14
    ih. ok, thanks for your help.
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