
Modify No Series Line record.

mysamzamysamza Member Posts: 66
I was given a task to update the Last Used No Series value that is on the No Series Line Table (309)
So in the Postman, I hit the web service and try to send a PUT request to the Record I want to update

I send in the Body

{ "Series_Code": "CUST",
"Line_No": 20000,
"Last_No_Used": "C0318"

Note that Last_No_Used that was received by a GET request for this Record was C3017 and I changed it to C0318.

It would give me the following error.
"error": {
"code": "BadRequest_MethodNotAllowed",
"message": "'PUT' requests for 'NoSeriesLines' of EdmType 'Collection' are not allowed within Dynamics 365 Business Central OData web services."

I would highly appreciate the guidance/hint on this issue.
Thanks a lot in advance.
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