Does anyone know the way to find amount of table field?

PolarPolar Member Posts: 32
edited 2005-08-23 in Navision Attain
The problem set to me is not very simple. I got stuck finding the best solution, and have some doubt it exists.
The problem is:
User (powerful user) wants to open form (ANY form in navision) , find (focus) field (ANY numeric field that can give a sum) , push shortcut key and see the sum of all chosen record. I know how get sum from specified field on specified form, but of ANY I can't.

Is it possible to realize in Navision?
If it is impossible, could you give an explanation (it is not for me, just nobody listen to mine) ](*,)
keep it simple


  • PolarPolar Member Posts: 32
    by the way, in key overview (Alt+F1) in Navision there is the key combination SHIFT+F10 with description "Amount"
    what does "Amount" mean? Where and how does it work?
    keep it simple
  • Timo_LässerTimo_Lässer Member Posts: 481
    The only way I know is by using RecordRef and FieldRef but as far as I know this feature is availible since 3.60 and newer.
    If you use 3.60 than make sure you have the latest hotfix installed because older versions of 3.60 have many problems with RecordRef and FieldRef.
    Timo Lässer
    Microsoft Dynamics NAV Developer since 1997 - German Microsoft Dynamics Community - member of [clip]
  • PolarPolar Member Posts: 32
    I appreciate someone give a simple example...
    keep it simple
  • krikikriki Member, Moderator Posts: 9,118
    It is not possible to do it for any field.
    For every field you want that functionality, you will need to program it.
    So on every form you want some fields to show the sum, you need to put some code in the form to know which table it is, the filters on it and the field on which you want a total.
    This information you can send to a function (a function that works for all fields and all tables, because programmed with recordreference and fieldreference), and this function can calculate the total.
    This function is quite easy to make.
    The problem is to put some code in all forms for all fields.
    Regards,Alain Krikilion
    No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!

  • PolarPolar Member Posts: 32
    Thanks, kriki. But this way is wasting my time, I'd better find out specified forms and fields and it would'be much faster.

    So, there was another question about shortcut... noone knows what it is?
    keep it simple
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