A supported update is now available from Microsoft. To receive this hotfix, you must contact Navision Support and quote this Microsoft Knowledge Base article number.
No support using PM or e-mail - Please use this forum. BC TechDays 2024: 13 & 14 June 2024, Antwerp (Belgium)
i tried looking at PartnerSource, but only found 4.00 Update 1. the download search is so poorly designed, that even if I filter by 3.70 version, it still shows most of the downloads..
You need to create a service incident - MBS say it hasn't been tested enough to be widely spread, so they wish to keep track of which customers that gets it. I tried creating an Incident without specifying the customer, but I couldn't have it before that was registered as well. Now I have it (both for 4.00 and 3.70B) and it seems to work ok, but I haven't put it in production yet. It doesn't update the DB version, so you can have a mix of 3.70A, 3.70B and 3.70B-upd1 on the same server. (Atleast for the Native DB, don't know for SQL)
This is clearly in the top 5 stupid decisions by MBS :-(
Upgrading, however is not someting a customer can do easily, and is mostly done by a Navision Partner.
If you are a Navision Partner you can download from PartnerSource for free.
You can also buy the MiBuSo DVD
W1 Version:
https://mbs.microsoft.com/partnersource ... page=false
This is clearly in the top 5 stupid decisions by MBS :-(