Dear All,
I am using MS Dynamics 2016 CU43 and find a issue when I have created a Purchase Invoice for foreign vendor my TDS is not calculating correct figure.
In TDS Setup I have given 20% rate of TDS % and 4% rate of eShess % and 2% rate of SHE Cess %. In General Ledger setup TDS rounding is 1.00.
I have given Currency Code : Pound (Rate is 91.92)
When I am doing Preview posting TDS Amount is wrong calculate. Please help.

But I have changed TDS Rounding Precision = 0.01 in currency and GL setup both. then It has been not correct. Now the difference is INR 5.00. If anything is missing from my end please suggest me.
And I have one more case regarding this for USD. and difference is INR 27.00/-