Report to PDF - Confused!!!

denniskbelgioiosodenniskbelgioioso Member Posts: 3
Hi all

I got really confused with automatically converting a report to PDF. I looked all possible topics but cannot figure it out how to use in Navision-code.
This is what I am looking for:
1) Call a report from a codeunit e.g RUNMODAL(……..)
2) This report should be converted to PDF file with my custom file name and passed to my function to send it via email. (My Function uses CDO and I need it so I can email address from the Vendor/customer cards)

The part I stucked in is how to converted to PDF. I downloaded PDFEdit995, but cannot figure it out how to incorporate into Navision

Thank you in advance


  • SavatageSavatage Member Posts: 7,142
    Check this one....
    Set the default printer for that report to correspond to the "virtual printer" pdf995

    with PDF995edit - it allows you to add setting to your pdf file once created.

    Like auto attaching it to and email - or auto name & increment name

    see here
  • denniskbelgioiosodenniskbelgioioso Member Posts: 3
    How I specify those parametres in Navision Code?
  • KarenhKarenh Member Posts: 209
    Thanks for your post. We have the same issue for a client and I had not found a satisfactory solution.

    After reading the reply about pdf995edit, I downloaded it and got that to work with Navision.

    The documentation states that it will read an ini file for email settings. I created a codeunit to write to the ini file. Then I just need to make a small modification to each report to call the codeunit, and pass parameters including email address, such as the email address from the vendor table.

    For 50 users, the license is $450. In the next few weeks, we will test it on the client site, and hopefully move it to the live system.
  • WaldoWaldo Member Posts: 3,412
    Amyuni is the way to go :wink: .

    Bottom line:
    - set amyuni as your default printer
    - print without request form (RUNMODAL...)
    - restore default printer

    Works like a charm!

    Eric Wauters
    MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
    My blog
  • ajhvdbajhvdb Member Posts: 672
    Karenh wrote:
    Then I just need to make a small modification to each report to call the codeunit, and pass parameters including email address, such as the email address from the vendor table.

    Our solution does this without any change to the report ;)
    Pdf995 is cheap but it think it looks cheap too. Edocprinter is a really good pdfwriter with a lot more options then pdf995 and it cost just a little bit more.
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