Migration of Nav 4.0 to SQL-Server. NEED HELP!

recallrecall Member Posts: 36

I wanted to migrate a native DB (Ver. 4.0) to the SQL-Server. I used the migration.fob, corrected some units and tried an export from native db and import in Navision SQL Server option 4.0.
When the import had finished a message appeared saying that the security-settings from the native db could not be imported to the SQL-Server because a specific user doesn't exist in SQL-Server :( .

I know that for sure, but I thought that the import would create the SQL-Users and roles too ?!
Or am I wrong ? Do I need to create ALL THE USERS AND ROLES by myself ??

I hope not. So does anybody know a solution ?

thanks a lot.


  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    You need to create the users in SQL. Navision will only handle new users.

    Do the following:

    Get a list of the Navision database users (don’t worry about passwords).
    Open SQL Enterprise Manager
    Go to the local server (you may need to register)
    Go to Security – Logins
    Right-Click and select “New Login”
    Fill in the form as above. Just fill in the Name (Login) and select SQL Server Authentication. Do not change anything else.
    Do this for all users on the list.
    Close SQL Enterprise Manager

    Then restore your backup. This will set the permisisons
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • recallrecall Member Posts: 36
    Thanks :)

    Is there a way to restore only the security options ?
    Because a restore takes me about 20 hours (100 GB) :(
  • bbrownbbrown Member Posts: 3,268
    You can create the users in SQL (see last reply) and then run Security - Syncronize in Navision
    There are no bugs - only undocumented features.
  • recallrecall Member Posts: 36
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