Document Approval Via Email

navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
edited 2019-06-11 in NAV Three Tier
Dear Sir,

The approval system is configured in the NAV 2016 Database with Email Notification. The Email Notification carries Document Details. And now I want to add two Action buttons one for Approve & another for Reject in Email body. So that approver can take decision & update the Navision Data from there.

If the Approver wants to reject the document he will click Reject button or if he/she wants to approve then click the Approve button. These two buttons will serve the purpose without login the NAV System.

How to do?
Now or Never


  • TallyHoTallyHo Member Posts: 417
    edited 2019-06-11
    If you are looking for a way to let users, that are not valid NAV users, use NAV you can disregard what I'm going to write. I do not know how to do that. A browser session will open, i do not know how to prevent that. But below is just a ruff idea of what I think is possible, there are probably many other options:

    Supposing the user is using an email client in a windows environment, why not publish a page in the webservices section of NAV. The page is based on a table that has 3 fields:

    1 Primary Key (int)
    2 ApprovalEntryNo (int)
    3 ApproveReject (bln)

    Put field 2 and 3 in the page.
    Adjust NAV at the point where the email is created. Use C/AL to add 2 links in the email. You can use HTML encoding to show the words APPROVE and REJECT instead of the entire link.

    Approval link: IS 123456 AND ApproveReject IS TRUE

    Rejection link: IS 123456 AND ApproveReject IS FALSE

    Create code in you page using


    to retreive the values you are looking for to handle the approval/disapproval. Handle the approval/disaproval from there.

  • rom2018rom2018 Member Posts: 14

    1. Set\registrtion technical e-mail: (
    2. Set 2 tags in e-mail body
    <span class=MsoHyperlink><a href="mailto:%BM1000?subject=APPROVE&body=entryno~%BM1010~guid~%BM1020~action~1~">Approve</a></span> <br>
    <span class=MsoHyperlink><a href="mailto:%BM1001?subject=REJECT&body=entryno~%BM1011~guid~%BM1021~action~0~">Reject</a></span> <br>

    %BM - technical bookmark for set data
    3. in %BM1021 set

    After push Approve\Reject in body E-Mail, send mail with different subject, on inbox

    4. Set Job on NAS scheduler with run newMyMailCU.
    newMyMailCU get all mails from inbox (its own email, see st.1)
    5. Parse mail Subject by Action 0\1 and,
    run Approval\Reject Action in standard "workflow entry" where guid in email = guid in "approval entry"

    Sample all text body:

    <body lang=ENU link=blue vlink=purple style='tab-interval:35.4pt'>
    approve next order
    <span class=MsoHyperlink><a href="%BM1001">%BM1000</a></span> <br>
    <span class=MsoHyperlink><a href="mailto:%BM1021?subject=APPROVE&body=entryno~%BM1022~guid~%BM1023~action~1~">Approve</a></span> <br>
    <span class=MsoHyperlink><a href="mailto:%BM1031?subject=REJECT&body=entryno~%BM1032~guid~%BM1033~action~0~">Reject</a></span> <br>
  • navuser1navuser1 Member Posts: 1,334
    edited 2019-06-11
    @TallyHo, @rom2018
    Thanks for your replies.

    The Approver must have a valid USERID in the Navision & as well as in the User Setup Master Table.

    The same business logic should be executed while making any decision from the Email Notification (Approve/Reject) as normal. -- This is the requirement.

    [ If any reason, the Approver does not belong to the Navision User family then I will pass a valid Nav user (hardcoded) through the Action button ]--- Please do not focus on this point now.

    Now or Never
  • rom2018rom2018 Member Posts: 14
    We need to strive for new technologies, but...
    I used my method in Nav 4..Nav18,
    when the boss in another country, with any mail reader. This worked even when the Nav was offline at the time of approval:

    My custom table 50000 EmailItemOut, and codeunit 50000 ApprovalDispatcher
    Name DataType Subtype Length
    ApprovalMgt Codeunit Approvals Mgmt.

    OnRun(VAR Rec : Record "Approval Entry")
    ApprovalEntry := Rec;
    CASE EmailItemOut."Action Type" OF
    EmailItemOut."Action Type"::Approve : ApprovalMgt.ApproveApprovalRequest(ApprovalEntry); //core Approve
    EmailItemOut."Action Type"::Reject : ApprovalMgt.RejectApprovalRequest(ApprovalEntry); //core Reject
    Rec := ApprovalEntry;

    Name DataType Subtype Length
    ApprovalMgt Codeunit Approvals Mgmt.

    SetEmailOut(VAR pEmailItemOut : Record "Email Item Out")
    EmailItemOut := pEmailItemOut;

    ReadInEmail and run action in "subject" and guid ApprovalEntry

    LOCAL RunApprovalDispatcher()
    ApprovDispL.SetEmailOut(OutMail); //cu50000
    IF NOT ApprovDispL.RUN(ApprovalEntry) THEN BEGIN
    "Error Code" := 01; //core ApprovalMgt on run action
    "Error Text" := COPYSTR(GETLASTERRORTEXT,1,MAXSTRLEN("Error Text"));
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