There is a field named Invoice Discount % on the Sales Quote Card.
I need to show this field's value in the Sales Quote (Report 206) but I can't find this field in either the Sales Header or Sales Line. It shows in the SourceExpression. The screenshot I attached above is from Tab SourceExpression. How do I locate this field?
Thanks a lot in advance.
i guess you are talking about the Sales Quote Subform (95)?
If so, the Field should be calculated within a function.
SalesCalcDiscByType -> Codeunit 56 (Sales - Calc Discount By Type)
If you use the Sales - Quote Report, you can call the Function after the Sales Line DataItem.
SalesCalcDiscountByType.GetCustInvoiceDiscountPct("Sales Line")
SalesCalcDiscountByType -> Codeunit (Global Variable)
"Sales Line" -> Defined in the Dataset
So you have to create a Variable for the Codeunit.
Add a Column after the DataItem Sales Line:
Data Type: Column
Data Source: SalesCalcDiscountByType.GetCustInvoiceDiscountPct("Sales Line")
Name: The Name (That's the name you can select in the Report)