I am proposing we buy notebook PCs running the AMD Athlon 64-bit processor and XP Pro. My boss, who has longer Navision experience, says that there were problems running Navision on non-Intel processors in the past. Is this still true?
Can anyone confirm the problems or is anyone using the Athlon that can provide a reference as to its suitability for running Navision 4.0 and the VPC for demos?
Thanks in advance for any help.
Lee Jones
MVP - Dynamics NAV
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
No Problems !
Navision does not access any hardware-specific commands or assembler (*lol*). Nav 3.7 even runs on a win32 emulation in linux (We tried this out)!
If anyone had problems with AMD don't you think that IBM and Microsoft would have used that ?
And I googled for the problem. Nothing!
Thanks again.
A bit off topic, I'd like to hear more about that. What do you mean by win32 emulation? VMWare (that works, but for me it's pointless, you still need a license, I rather dual boot), Wine or something else?
I spent quite some time trying to run Navi (3.6 and 4.0) in Wine, with no luck. If you managed to run it under wine, please tell us how you did it, what needs to be done, what version, how stable it is...
Also, to the topic. Navi runs just fine with amd64 (wouldn't know about 64-bit Windows, though), I think the fears from the era of Cyrix and K-6 processors are finally gone. AMDs are nowdays in many acpects better processors that those of Intel.
Hmmm... not really clear, or ?
Hope this helps a bit
It would be interesting if Navision starts somehow in wine
no reference though, because I'm only a hobby-ist in Linux (Fedora Core 4).
Eric Wauters
MVP - Microsoft Dynamics NAV
My blog
I hope it will run under MONO