Writing into a NF 2.01 table from an external program

pmarlozpmarloz Member Posts: 10
edited 2005-08-19 in Navision Financials
I´m a NF 2.01 user.

Is it true that the ODBC driver that comes with NF is a Read-only driver?
I have tried to make a program in Visual Basic to write data into a NF table usin DAO and ODBC. I get the error message '[Navision Software A/S][Navision Financials ODBC Driver]Data source is read-only'.

If it is true that is read-only, how can I write data in a NF table from outside?



  • fbfb Member Posts: 246
    'Read only' is a C/ODBC data source configuration option.

    Go to the Control Panel/.../ODBC Data Source Administration dialog, select the C/ODBC data source you are using, and click 'Configure'.

    On the 'C/ODBC Setup' dialog that appears, click the 'Options...' button. You should see a check box labled 'Read Only'. Clear this check box, and C/ODBC should support INSERT and UPDATE statements.
  • kinekine Member Posts: 12,562
    BUT!!! Be careful with writing data into Navision through C/ODBC! No triggers are called, data are not validated!
    Kamil Sacek
    MVP - Dynamics NAV
    My BLOG
    NAVERTICA a.s.
  • pmarlozpmarloz Member Posts: 10
    fb wrote:
    On the 'C/ODBC Setup' dialog that appears, click the 'Options...' button. You should see a check box labled 'Read Only'. Clear this check box, and C/ODBC should support INSERT and UPDATE statements.

    IT WORKED!!!! .For some reason that i cannot understand the clause "RO=Yes" was in the connection string that I use to open the NF Database.

    Thank you very much. You made me save a lot of time and money.
  • pmarlozpmarloz Member Posts: 10
    kine wrote:
    BUT!!! Be careful with writing data into Navision through C/ODBC! No triggers are called, data are not validated!
    That doesn't worry me as I only want to write in tables created by me to store data not related with other tables.

    Thank you anyway for the warning.
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