Do any one of you face any errors with Scheduled Tasks/Job Queues/JobQueueSalesPosting? This is on NAV2017 CU29.
The error is -->
The operation could not complete because a record in the Job Queue Category table was locked by another user. Please retry the activity.
This error is traced to Codeunit 448.
LOCAL WaitForOthersWithSameCategory(VAR JobQueueEntry : Record "Job Queue Entry") : Boolean
IF JobQueueEntry."Job Queue Category Code" = '' THEN
// Use the Job Queue Category as a semaphore so only one checks at the time.
IF NOT JobQueueCategory.GET(JobQueueEntry."Job Queue Category Code") THEN
I have even tried LOCKTABLE(TRUE) to wait for the record to be unlocked, but I still get this error.
Hi gcysiak,
I solved this a long time ago. But, I upgraded to the latest CU, and this solved the issue. Please review the documentation of released cumulative updates for your Dynamics NAV version. And you should see one of the CUs having solved the issue with JobQueueCategory locking.