I made a table in which I have a boolean field. Also, I made a form for this table on which I want to put three buttons. One to filter the records by the boolean variable field: value = TRUE, one to filter the records by the boolean variable field: value = FALSE. But also I want to put one button on the form to show all the records.
Therefore I created an Global Variable 'filterLabelCustSpecific' of the type 'Boolean'. And then I give the variable a value, based on the button which is pushed. But what value do I give the variable to show all the records, in other words: I want to show the records with value TRUE, but also value FALSE...
I don't know how to do this. Can someone help me out? Thanks in advance!
"Make it idiot-proof and someone will invent a better idiot..."
SETRANGE(Boolean Field); // This will clear the filter
IF Variable = Variable::False THEN
IF Variable = Variable::True THEN
SETRANGE(Boolean Field,TRUE);
Hope this helps.
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