BC webclient crashing when adjusting width of columns on a page

JoshRingJoshRing Member Posts: 14
edited 2019-03-29 in NAV Three Tier

When I'm designing a page in Business Central OnPrem (in my case, a Purchase Order card) and I change the width of a column of the subpage, the webclient crashes. Investigating the event viewer shows the following:

Server instance: BCTest
Category: Extensions
ClientSessionId: b29644b6-0086-4045-854d-66c679ab6a7f
ClientActivityId: 4ce14ccd-0b9a-4819-9f42-5c27e5183ac8
ServerSessionUniqueId: 74790bce-d9bb-42e8-8844-a78d83ce01d0
ServerActivityId: a11139fa-42de-42d7-afd7-e911889d7844
EventTime: 03/29/2019 09:03:00
Message Error(s) compiling designer extension -- Details:A package with publisher 'Microsoft', name 'Application', and a version compatible with '0.0' could not be loaded.
The target Page "Purchase Order Subform" for the extension object is not found
ProcessId: 6824
Tag: 00000OP
ThreadId: 18

Settings of the service tier are as followed:


Anybody have a clue?

Best regards,


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