<Purchase Line> - Import::OnAfterInitRecord() "<Purchase Line>"."Document Type":="Purchase Header"."Document Type"; "<Purchase Line>"."Document No.":="Purchase Header"."No."; //line+=10000; "<Purchase Line>"."Line No.":=line; "<Purchase Line>".Type:=Type; CASE Type OF 2: BEGIN "<Purchase Line>".Type:="<Purchase Line>".Type::Item; END; 5: BEGIN "<Purchase Line>".Type:="<Purchase Line>".Type::"Charge (Item)"; END; 0: BEGIN "<Purchase Line>".Type:="<Purchase Line>".Type::" "; END; END; "<Purchase Line>"."No.":=CodProd; IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>".Quantity:=Quantidade ELSE "<Purchase Line>".Quantity:=0; IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>"."Direct Unit Cost":=Preco; IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>".Description:=Desc ELSE "<Purchase Line>".Description:=''; "<Purchase Line>"."Variant Code":=Variante; <Purchase Line> - Import::OnBeforeInsertRecord() "<Purchase Line>"."Document Type":="Purchase Header"."Document Type"; "<Purchase Line>"."Document No.":="Purchase Header"."No."; line+=10000; "<Purchase Line>"."Line No.":=line; "<Purchase Line>".Type:=Type; CASE Type OF 2: BEGIN "<Purchase Line>".Type:="<Purchase Line>".Type::Item; END; 5: BEGIN "<Purchase Line>".Type:="<Purchase Line>".Type::"Charge (Item)"; END; 0: BEGIN "<Purchase Line>".Type:="<Purchase Line>".Type::" "; END; END; "<Purchase Line>"."No.":=CodProd; IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>".VALIDATE("No."); IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>".Quantity:=Quantidade ELSE "<Purchase Line>".Quantity:=0; IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>"."Direct Unit Cost":=Preco ELSE "<Purchase Line>"."Direct Unit Cost":=0; IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>"."Unit Cost":=Preco ELSE "<Purchase Line>"."Unit Cost":=0; IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>"."Unit Cost (LCY)":=Preco ELSE "<Purchase Line>"."Unit Cost (LCY)":=0; IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>".Description:=Desc ELSE "<Purchase Line>".Description:=''; "<Purchase Line>"."Variant Code":=Variante; //"<Purchase Line>".VALIDATE(Amount); IF "<Purchase Line>".Type<>"<Purchase Line>".Type::" "THEN "<Purchase Line>".UpdateAmounts; <Purchase Line> - Import::OnAfterInsertRecord() IF Vas = TRUE THEN BEGIN line+=10000; "<Purchase Line>".vsCreateContainerLine; END; <Purchase Line> - Import::OnBeforeModifyRecord() <Purchase Line> - Import::OnAfterModifyRecord() <Purchase Line> - Export::OnPreXMLItem() <Purchase Line> - Export::OnAfterGetRecord() //line+=10000; IF Vas = TRUE THEN BEGIN line+=10000; "<Purchase Line>".vsCreateContainerLine; END;
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
You want to delete the Purchase Quote from Web service and this is getting called from some different platform??
Its possible and very simple whats the challenge that you are facing?
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