Dynamics NAV 2016 licence renewal

njumgmnjumgm Member Posts: 2
We have been using Dynamics NAV 2016 since 2016!. I have renewed the licences through our present provider only during the last years. Now, after comparing the price/rate offered by other Microsoft partners, we seriously think to buy/renew our licence from another partner. Sametime, we want to continue technical support AMC with the existing provider.
I want to know if there any technical issue in renewing the licence through another partner or not?


  • KTA8KTA8 Member Posts: 399
    From Microsoft point of view wouldn't be a problem. Most of the biggest companies which have NAV, at least the ones I know, have several partners at the same time. Maybe one to develop, another to support an even others to local country support or implementations.
    But you should have in mind that the renew is also a nice income for your actual partner because it's a nice profit without much effort. You should look it like a reward also. Everything depends in which numbers ($/€) we're talking about.
  • njumgmnjumgm Member Posts: 2
    OK, thanks for your answer.
  • KTA8KTA8 Member Posts: 399
    Another things that you should have in mind, it's that if you need some standar pach is task to be done by the partner which has the licence.
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