manual payment in payment journal

navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
edited 2019-03-14 in NAV Three Tier
is it normal that the manual payment does not create check ledger entries?

Best Answer


  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    what do i have to do to create them? and why is it not creating them?
  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 566
    Are you new in NAV? you must need functional training. Please refer to documentation plus you can find videos on youtube.
    United Kingdom
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    Yes, I am. I am refering to the documentation.
    I found that the only way to have a transaction done in the check ledger entry is to post payments from "payment journal" becaus other journals and documents execute transactions only in "G/L entry". Also to go check ledger entries, bank payment type must be filled in.
    Okay, so far so good, but what I dont understand is why if it's manual it sometimes creates them and sometimes not.....
    what else do i need as a contition to create them?
  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 566
    if the payment type is check then check ledger entries are created. every posting of journal of any kind reflects transactions in GL Entry.
    United Kingdom
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    so only Computer check creates them, but manual check doesn't...?
    do I understand you correctly?
  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 566
    both should create them. sorry i thought you meant manual by creating payment journal manually and not by suggesting vendor payments routine. So yes both manual check and computer check should create check ledger entries
    United Kingdom
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    so if I create the journal manually it wouln't create the entries? cause i did a suggest vendor payment with manual and it created the entries for the invoice. then i did a manual journal, not wiwth the suggest vendor payment, and it did create thm again. but i created another one the other day and it did not create any check ledger entries..?
    i am so confused
  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 566
    check ledger entries will only be created if bank payment type is selected manual check or computer check. try to do a simple one in CRONUS company and see for your self.
    United Kingdom
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    yes, i did, as I said above. is tehre a way to see the bank payment type if a check ledger entry has not been created?
  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 566
    i am confused what are you after sorry
    United Kingdom
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    so Ive got a payment, but no check ledger entries, how can i check the payment type if the check ledger entries have not been created. i know there is a field bank payment type in the check ledger entries, but what about another place to check?
  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 566
    you will get information by looking at vendor ledger entries, detailed vendor ledger entries and general ledger entries
    United Kingdom
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    yes, my question is how can i check the payment type from them? they dont have this field there?
  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 566
    there is no payment type which means payment is just a payment to vendors.
    United Kingdom
  • navisionerinnavisionerin Member Posts: 161
    right. thanks you very much for making this clear to me!
  • Developer101Developer101 Member Posts: 566
    Please select an answer as accepted answer to close this post off
    United Kingdom
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