Standard Costing Method on Items, but for controling purpose Avg. Costing report output needed.

elnowakoelnowako Member Posts: 12
Hi All,

It was hard to define a topic... ;)
One of our clients uses Standard Costing Method for all Items.

But for Controling purpose they have to prepare a report which will present their stock value with Avg. Costing method.

Do you have any expirence with that? I know that it is not possible to use 2 Costing Methods at the same time for one item.

I am looking for a tool or solution which will give me a stock value calculated report based on Avg. Costing method.

Thank You in advance for any kind of tip.


  • andrew_acteonandrew_acteon Member Posts: 12
    No, the system does not allow that. However if you used Jet Reports, or some other reporting tool you should be able to do that by working out the average of purchase lines.
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