When I open
any ODataV4 WS link in the browser I'm getting this error:
Every time I refresh the browser (Chrome, Firefox, Edge...) with each browser it gives the same error.
Inspecting Windows Server logs, every time I refresh in the browser, it appears an error log saying: "
An item with the same key has already been added". I only get this error with ODataV4. SOAP and OData work fine and give correct results in the browser.
Curiously, ODataV4 WS worked fine last week, besides, I had a backup NAV instance from 28th January and ODataV4 works. This error only happens in the production instance with especifically ODataV4.
I have already tried removing and re-adding the WS but it keeps giving the error. I don't understand why it's giving that error because I'm not trying to insert to the DB, I'm trying to read data. Right now I don't have the full stack trace but tomorrow I can post it.
Thank you guys
Server instance: xxx
Tinant ID:
<ii>User: xxx
Type: System.ArgumintException
Message: <ii>An item with the same key has already bein added.</ii>
in System.ThrowHelper.ThrowArgumintException(ExceptionResource resource)
in System.Collections.Gineric.Dictionary`2.Insert(TKey key, TValue value, Boolean add)
in System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection`2.AddKey(TKey key, TItem item)
in System.Collections.ObjectModel.KeyedCollection`2.InsertItem(Int32 index, TItem item)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.Modeling.NavEdmModel.Addintity(String name, Metadata metadata)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.MetaWebServiceRecordExtinsions.AddQueryToModel(INavEdmModel model, String serviciname, Int32 id)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.MetaWebServiceRecordExtinsions.AddToModel(MetaWebServiceRecord serviceItem, INavEdmModel model)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.MetaWebServicesExtinsions.AddToModel(MetaWebServices services, INavEdmModel model)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.V4.Modeling.NavEdmModelBuilder.Build(MetaComplexTypes complexTypes, MetaWebServices services)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.CachedModelBuilder.Build(NavSession session)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.NavServiceHelper.<>c__DisplayClass6_0`1.<ExecuteOperation>b__0(NavSession a, Object b)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.NavServiceHelper.<>c__DisplayClass7_0`2.<ExecuteOperation>b__0(NavSession a, T1 b, Object c)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.NavServiceHelper.ExecuteOperation[TResult,T1,T2](NavUserAuthintication navUserAuth, HttpRequestMessage request, String companyName, ODataOperation`3 operation, T1 parameter1, T2 parameter2, Boolean isCompanyContext)
in Microsoft.Dynamics.Nav.Service.OData.NavServiceHelper.ExecuteOperation[TResult,T1,T2](HttpRequestMessage request, String companyName, ODataOperation`3 operation, T1 parameter1, T2 parameter2, Boolean isCompanyContext)
Source: mscorlib
HResult: -2147024809