Active must have a value in Microsoft Dynamics ERP Payment Services Setup

omyvadiyaomyvadiya Member Posts: 124
I am using payment method code as Cash,Online etc while making a Sales Invoice. In the Payment Method Code setup Payment Processor is selected as Dynamics Online,when i post the invoice, i get the below error:
Microsoft Dynamics NAV

Active must have a value in Microsoft Dynamics ERP Payment Services Setup: Primary Key=. It cannot be zero or empty.

This is basically asking for making the Payment Service Connection setup, which we don't require as of now. How can i post the invoice successfully without this error. I tried commenting the code, but still the issue remains the same.k1fyh8fo57f1.png


  • omyvadiyaomyvadiya Member Posts: 124
    And if i set the Payment Processor as blank, i get the below error:

    Microsoft Dynamics NAV

    Positive must be equal to 'Yes' in Cust. Ledger Entry: Entry No.=0. Current value is 'No'.

    Anyone can help me in skipping the setup somehow.
    Thanks in advance.
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