UI removal based on Permission Set - RTC client (on premise)

moichinoimoichinoi Member Posts: 41

I am using the permission set to remove the UI element , and I think it is a very complexe job to do , because we have to set the property (accesby permission ) for all UI element ttat we want to remove , and choose the good object and the good right to make that working as we want.
I was wondering if there is not a more easier way to do that, for example, an logic like : AccessByPermissionSet or by AccessByGroupPermissionSet
It would be more easier , because to be able to manage UI removal, we need to be very technical....

Moreover, Hidde the Ui with the -profile parameter, not suit my need, because there is so much work to do with all the windows and all the link possible.

any feed back ?

thanks you


Nav 2018, 2017, 2016 RTC client
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