We have an issue at a client using NAV HO database and each cash register has its own till database. DD3 is installed for replication purposes and transactions are being replicated by web service (WS) at the time transaction is being posted (commited into the table: Transaction Header and linked tables (Trans_ Sales Entry, Trans_ Payment Entry, Trans_ Infocode Entry, etc.)), but for unknown reason some records from till database are not replicated to HO database. As if they are skipped.
I tried to resend the missing records from till database to HO database and I tried to increase replication counter on table Transaction Header for those none replicated records, but records were not replicated.
We are going to redesign the replication process by eliminating DD3 and use NAS replication, but for now, I need to replicate somehow these missing records.
Thank you for your assistance.
Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professional
Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Specialist
@sanu1008 - please explain in details your issue. I do not understand it.
Thank you
BR Damjan
Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Professional
Microsoft Certified Business Management Solutions Specialist
I tried to manually update replication counter on T: Transaction Header for issued record and I added record in table: Scheduler Replication Counter for this subjob, and no luck.
Guess what, I just restarted the DD service on client and server and it worked as expected....
Replication architecture changes were done, since I really do not like the replication using DD3, becuase of some super strange issues with DD3, where replication is not working for some till and then I have to find the issue and resolve it, and for what I do not have the time (350 tills time-management issue), so we changed replication architecture to the NAS windows service and created a domain account that runs this NAS service....
Of course, I had to add the code to update field: Replication Counter on insert|modify|delete triggers on all tables that are used for replication purposes (transactions tables, item table, sales prices, discounts, mix&match/promotions, customers, membership tables, etc.
From tills we are replicating only transactions (Transaction Header and linked tables) and contact/customer tables...
Solution: Every time a record is inserted in the table Item, the value of field Replication counter is updated and a scheduler job checks for the last replicated entry and compares the replication counter with the replication counter in table Item and if Item.Replication Counter > Scheduler Replication Counter.Last Replication Counter then this entry from table Item is replicated to the the tills and it updates the value on field: Last Replication Counter on table: Scheduler Replication Counter.
So far, no issues are present...
Thanks Damjan