I am facing the following problems while configuring User portal
Present Setup 1. Windows 2000 server with sp6
2. Navision Database Server (Working)
3. Navision Application Server (Working)
4. C/Front
5. Microsoft Digital Dashboard Resource Kit 2.01
6. Install the Windows 2000® File System Sample Digital Dashboard (DDRK_FS.msi)
7. Created short-cut (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client\fin.exe) target perameters as runasupas
8. Created Windows Authentication Users
9. Clicked On above Short-Cut(fin.exe). (Working)
10. Assigned Activities to the Users in (General Ledger> Setup>User Portal Setup
Problems 1. There are no forms, users directories in (c:\InetPub\wwwroot\Dashboard Directory)
2. I am not able to Un-install User Portal Server
Requests: 1. Is there any process/installation procedure to create Users, Forms in Dashboards Directory?
2. What are all files are required in Dashboard, Factory, NSwebparts?
3. Are there anydocumentations other than w1w1upig.pdf