User Portal Configuration Problems

Suman_PrabhuSuman_Prabhu Member Posts: 19
I am facing the following problems while configuring User portal

Present Setup
1. Windows 2000 server with sp6
2. Navision Database Server (Working)
3. Navision Application Server (Working)
4. C/Front
5. Microsoft Digital Dashboard Resource Kit 2.01
6. Install the Windows 2000® File System Sample Digital Dashboard (DDRK_FS.msi)
7. Created short-cut (C:\Program Files\Microsoft Business Solutions-Navision\Client\fin.exe) target perameters as runasupas
8. Created Windows Authentication Users
9. Clicked On above Short-Cut(fin.exe). (Working)
10. Assigned Activities to the Users in (General Ledger> Setup>User Portal Setup

1. There are no forms, users directories in (c:\InetPub\wwwroot\Dashboard Directory)

2. I am not able to Un-install User Portal Server

1. Is there any process/installation procedure to create Users, Forms in Dashboards Directory?

2. What are all files are required in Dashboard, Factory, NSwebparts?

3. Are there any
documentations other than w1w1upig.pdf

4. Which page should load after login.asp?

I desperately need help. :cry::(:cry: ](*,) ](*,)

Any suggetions are appriciatable

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