Hi friends, I m facing a problem these days. while posting in purchase order, as soon as i do invoice, this error comes
"The Transaction cannot be completed as it will cause inconsistency in G/L Entry Table.
Check whether n how the CONSISTENT function is used in Transaction to find the reason of error .
Contact your system manager if u need assitance
Parts of the Program mark Tables as inconsistent during very comprehensive tasks, such as posting. This prevents data from updated incorrectly"
This error propts up for certain items only, and for certain it desnt occur, i tried n tested everytrhng still ](*,)
If any one has faced this error or if any one knows what to do or where to make changes then please reply to the earliest as my work is halted because of this
If there a additional commits in the posting routine due to customization this error message can come up if the debit and credit amount(s) of the g/l entries do not balance.
It may be either a commit after the first g/l entry has been inserted, there always need to be two at least, or two or more entries are inserted and the amounts do not balance. Sometimes an additional rounding g/l entry needs to be inserted.( (currency conversions etc.).
I once had this problem with rounding amounts. Most of the times the postings went fine, but sometimes there was a posing difference of 1 cent.
You can put a messagebox in cu. 12 showing the calcsums of the g/l entries to find out which posting causes the problem.
I get this problem sometimes when my costs go out too many decimals
ex/ $10.01273 if i change the cost manually to $10.01 it posts fine.
Product: Navision
Versions: 3.10A, 3.10B, 3.6, 3.7
Modules: Purchases and Payables, Sales & Receivables, Sales Tax
Several reports of inconsistency errors on Sales and Purchase Invoice posting have occurred when dealing with Sales Taxes in 3.60.
In all of the cases, the problem is with a penny rounding issue related to taxes. The lingering rounding issue would result in the G/L Entry posting not balancing to zero by a penny. Therefore, an inconsistency error is generated.
Potential Causes
In the majority of reported cases, the issue involved a Sales Order with Sales Tax included. The Sales Order Lines include several positive line and then a separate negative line is entered for some type of discount. A separate negative line is being used instead of a Line Discount. The system can run into rounding problems because the system was not designed to handle a rounding process that deals with negative and positives lines.
A second issue has occurred in Canada where a mix of Expense/Capitalize and non-Expense/Capitalize tax lines exist on the Purchase Order. The same steps apply to purchase transactions as provided below for sales transactions involving sales tax.
The following workaround in 3.60 can be used until Development comes up with a more permanent fix.
To resolve this issue, use the following steps:
1. Go into S&R Setup and check the box for Allow Tax Difference.
2. Go into G/L, Setup, G/L Setup on the Application Tab and enter any small decimal (.01, .05 or .10) for the Max. Tax Difference Amount.
3. Go back to the SO and select F9 statistics and go to the Invoicing Tab.
4. Manually change a line that may be at a half-cent. This is normally the problem line.
5. You should now be able to release the Order and post the Invoice.
Any time you are dealing with a mix of negative and positive lines on a Sales Order, there is a possibility that you will need to follow the above steps to deal with the rounding issues that have not been completely resolved
Good luck!