//1890107-01 CurrPage.SETSELECTIONFILTER(SalesOrder); CurrPage.SETSELECTIONFILTER(lSalesOrder2); //lSalesOrder2.COPYFILTERS(SalesOrder); IF SalesOrder.FINDSET THEN BEGIN CLEAR(BillToCust); BillToCust.GET(SalesOrder."Bill-to Customer No."); CLEAR(BatchPostReport); BatchPostReport.SETTABLEVIEW(SalesOrder); BatchPostReport.InitializeRequest(TRUE,FALSE,WORKDATE,TRUE,TRUE,TRUE); BatchPostReport.RUNMODAL(); CLEAR(BatchPostReport); COMMIT; END; //imprimir //CurrPage.SETSELECTIONFILTER(SalesOrder); IF lSalesOrder2.FINDSET THEN REPEAT //lSalesOrder2.CALCFIELDS(Shipped); //IF Shipped THEN SalesPostPrint.Print(lSalesOrder2); UNTIL lSalesOrder2.NEXT =0;
2. Which part returns empty rowset?
3. Posting can move orders to archive and second part can not find previous selection (should be same from all clients)
4. Try to post and print in one transaction by modifying BatchPostReport.
I've jsut talk to our customer. The issue is that he's not runningdireclty from the page, it's running from a view he has created with different filter, just to show a few rders. Probably is an issue with those filters.....
As I've said in my previous message, it was a problem of the view, it wasn't executing in the page. I think I've solved deleting in the code the filters from that view.