I don't find any example of javascript code to modify data in Nav2018 using a webservice OData. Could anyone give me a hand / a piece of code ?
Thanks you !
This is a NAV forum. You need help from js people. It doesn’t matter if the web service is from NAV, it’s based on odata. So just search odata and js on google.
This is a NAV forum. You need help from js people. It doesn’t matter if the web service is from NAV, it’s based on odata. So just search odata and js on google.
I Hope this helps you
But what I am looking for is to modify data into Nav, not reading in.
There is some explanantion https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/previous-versions/dynamicsnav-2015/dn182582(v=nav.80)
but I cannot find how to do it in javascript. So a piece of code would help me a lot.
So just search odata and js on google.