JetReports versus ODBC

maffyoozmaffyooz Member Posts: 11
I am looking into purchasing JetReports for Navision 3.70. Can anyone out there give me some positive and/or negative feed back on using JetReports over ODBC. I know ODBC is cheaper (i currently havent got the granule) but Jet can do so much more. Can you produce the same reports in Excel using ODBC?


  • hansfouserthansfousert Member Posts: 46
    Hi there!

    There are a lot of things that I like about Jet Reports. Let me try to tell you some of them in comparison to ODBC:
    - dynamically create Rows, Columns or Sheets with a Jet function
    - linking of tables: no problems with inner and outer joins
    - create Sums of Fields: leave the details in Navision and just sum a field (any decimal field b.t.w. and you can define your own filters!)
    - user friendly: let an end user enter options in Excel cells and then start the report.
    - auto pilot allows you to build a report in the background (uses Windows scheduler)
    - distribution of reports via email (in the next version)
    - retrieve data from several Navision companies in 1 single report
    - retrieve data from several Navision and other databases in 1 single report

    Well, this is just a list of things that immediately came up. There is more :D - but then we would have to go into more detailled things.

    Why don't you contact a Jet Reports dealer in your neighbourhood? I'm sure they will help you with your questions or a demo. And otherwise, email Paul Hollcraft at he will be glad to help you find the right person to talk to in the UK.

    Does this help?

    Have a nice weekend!
    Kind regards,

    Hans Fousert
    Microsoft Certified Trainer and Jet Reports Certified Trainer
  • csimoneauxcsimoneaux Member Posts: 168
    I agree with you about the ease of writing, but the complex reports do take much longer to run. I created a aged AR in jet reports, identical as Navision(for a test) and in Navision it took seconds to run and Jet Reports it took 45 min to run. Was I doing something wrong?
    What do you think of Crystal Reports?
  • hansfouserthansfousert Member Posts: 46
    "and in Navision it took seconds to run and Jet Reports it took 45 min to run. Was I doing something wrong?"

    Hard to say, would need to see your report. Could be filters, could be index, could be the version you use. Let me see if I can help you.
    Kind regards,

    Hans Fousert
    Microsoft Certified Trainer and Jet Reports Certified Trainer
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