I have created a miscellaneous job type that runs CU99001456: Statement-Calculate and when I run the job either as NAS user or by pressing button "Run Now" on job, I got an error:
Record(99001586) is not compatible with Codeunit.Run(Record(99001487)).
NAV 2016, LS Retail
Code breaks here:
I have done same on LS NAV 2009 without any issues.
Any ideas are welcomed.
Thank you
I found the issue in setup of job: "Use Scheduler Job Record"=TRUE
correct setup -> FALSE
Thank you
BR Damjan
No PM,please use the forum. || May the <SOLVED>-attribute be in your title!
I am trying to run this codeunit 99001456, hoping I could automatically calculate statements. But, may I ask if there's other need to set in this job?
I am getting this error when I try to 'Run Now':
open the issued statement and make sure that some value is inserted in field: Store No. Field: Store No. must not be blank at posting of statement.
If there is value inserted in Store No., then debugg the action and see where the code breaks.
Thanks Damjan