DLLs on ClickOnce deployment

AitorEGAitorEG Member Posts: 342
Hi everyone,

I have the same error shown in this post:


I saw that it must be a problem with the report viewer, and it is solved adding same dll files into the deployment. When I run the script in the azure VM to install the click once, it creates the "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\NAV" fodler with the deployment, and with a few DLLs.

I need some new DLLs on that folder. Which is the folder where the script takes the DLLs from to copy in "C:\inetpub\wwwroot\NAV"? I think that if I copy the needed DLL files in that folder, and after run the script, I will find the new DLLs on the deployment folder.

Am I right?

Thank you very much
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